Advance Land Observation Satellite (ALOS) imagery was purchased from East View Cartographic in late March. The data bands include spectral RGB and a NIR band, all with a spatial resolution (10 m). The date of collection was during the wet season (January 9) in 2009. The imagery will be used to update acquired shapefiles, for vegetation analysis and to create new layers of the point, line and polygon locations.
This data is added to the IKONOS imagery purchased in December. The 50 square km area of high resolution (4m RGB, NIR, 1 m Panchromatic) IKONOS imagery was purchased to test its utility versus price for producing data layers to be used in the GIS.
Two Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) images (RGB, NIR, all 30 m) were acquired from the NASA WIST data portal. The images, one from the wet season and one from the dry season of 2010 represent a snapshot of coverage in the region of pre- and post- harvest land use. The larger spatial resolution data, as compared with the ALOS data, will be used for vegetation analysis and not useful for identifying smaller features.
(Images: True color composites of the IKONOS, ALOS and TM images (1:10,000) at 4, 10 and 30 m spatial resolutions respectively.)